Li Wang Li Wang

I am the face of an emotionally abused woman.  

Meeting me today, I hope you would find it difficult to believe I would ever have tolerated anything less than kindness and respect. And today, I do require nothing less than kindness and respect from others. Today I am no longer a victim. I own my place on this earth. I am an adult woman and I do not apologize for or defend against my feminine nature. My strength, my tenderness, and my passion are all intricately connected. Each are vital components of my essence. I know today each must be acknowledged and respected for me to thrive.

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Li Wang Li Wang

Life Transition Coaching

There is a saying that the two constants in life are death and taxes. I would add “change” to that list. So many of us expend a lot of time and energy working to prevent or manage the change that is happening in our lives, with minimal to no ultimate success. Change is inevitable, and it is often uncomfortable and disruptive. Even the changes that we consider to be good change - marriage, birth, new job - can create stress and discomfort for us.

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